It’s only human
to Be pro-animal
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Building a Pro-Animal Future
We’re making animal rights political.
If you’re worried about the impacts of factory farming, you’re in good company. A 2023 survey found that 87% of Americans are concerned about the impact of factory farms on animals or the environment.
Pro-Animal Future is building a political movement to end factory farming through grassroots campaigns, and turning public support for animals into law.
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We’re a collective of voters, volunteers, and small donors. Every hour you spend or dollar you give brings us closer to passing historic laws for a better future.
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Society Is Evolving.
Voters Are Leading the Way.
More and more Americans are waking up to the horrors of industrial animal farming. Where individual efforts can feel futile, collective action can create systemic change. Our pro-animal initiatives give communities across the country the chance to vote for a more humane future.

Leave Slaughter Behind
On November 5th, 2024, 36% of Denver residents voted to end slaughterhouses. This groundbreaking support proves voters are ready to challenge factory farming.

Leave Fur Behind
In Denver’s historic vote, 42% of residents voted to make fur sales illegal. These results show powerful momentum for ending fur sales across the nation.
Featured Posts

The Denver Neighborhoods That Voted Pro-Animal (And Those That Didn’t)
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