Sobre nosotros
Pro-Animal Future es una colectiva de votantes, voluntarios y pequeños donantes que construye un movimiento para acabar con la ganadería intensiva. Utilizamos campañas comunitarias para transformar el apoyo público hacia los animales en leyes.
Somos un movimiento liderado por ciudadanos que busca alejarse de la explotación, crueldad animal y contaminacion ambiental de la ganadería intensiva, y avanzar hacia un mejor futuro basado en un sistema alimentario más justo, sostenible y compasivo. Estamos unidos por una visión de un mundo libre de la crueldad animal. A través de nuestras campañas, impulsamos cambios a las industrias que causan sufrimiento tanto a animales como a humanos.
¡Únete con nosotros! Conocerás una comunidad de voluntarios de todas las esferas de la vida que comparten una pasión por hacer del mundo un lugar mejor. Encuentra conexión, apoyo y diversión en nuestros eventos sociales, y participa en nuestras salidas, actividades y comidas gratuitas a base de plantas. Ofrecemos voluntariados presenciales en la región de Denver, Colorado.
ÚNETEToma Acción
Suscríbete para Actualizaciones de la Campaña
¿Te preocupa la libertad animal, la protección del medio ambiente o la seguridad de nuestras comunidades y trabajadores? Sería un honor enviarte actualizaciones sobre nuestro progreso hacia la creación de un futuro más compasivo y sostenible.
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Quiénes somos
Dylan McFarland
Line of work:
Landscape construct
Running, gardening, camping, skiing
Why I’m pro-animal:
I am pro-animal because we are all animals and we all deserve compassion.
Mickey Pardo
Line of work:
Wildlife ecologist
Birding, cooking, hiking
Why I’m pro-animal:
I believe there is no excuse for harming and killing sentient creatures when we have the option not to.
Alaina Sigler
Line of work:
Reading, animal reiki, gardening, time with family
Why I’m pro-animal:
A world with freedom and Ahimsa for all is within our grasp.
Kristina Tkac
Line of work:
Reading, Climbing, Running, Skiing, and Animals
Why I’m pro-animal:
I am pro-animal because I value the well-being, rights, and ethical treatment of animals in society and their environment. They deserve better!
Aidan Kankyoku
Support team
Line of work:
Yoga, playing music, Japanese tea ceremony
Why I’m pro-animal:
I can’t be content focusing on my own wellbeing when so many others in the world are deprived of freedom.
Dani Withaar
Digital Marketing Lead
Line of work:
Digital Strategy
Hiking and gardening
Why I’m pro-animal:
I believe that it’s wrong to grant certain species rights and legal protections but deny them to others.
Justin Clark
Line of work:
Social Worker
Video games, TV shows, writing
Why I’m pro-animal:
Because animals experience a lot of suffering.
Sloan Cinkle
Line of work:
Data Scientist
Cooking, snowboarding, live music, gaming
Why I’m pro-animal:
Animals have as much of a right to freedom as we do.
Lauren Uram
Support Team
Line of work:
Campaign Coordinator
Hiking, skiing, reading, playing with my dog Sully
Why I’m pro-animal:
Because animals think and feel like we do, and they deserve to be protected, not exploited.
Olivia Hammond
Support Team
Line of work:
Communications Lead
Puzzles, reading, volunteering with wildlife
Why I’m pro-animal:
Animals, like us, are living, feeling beings with one life to live. That life should be free of exploitation.
Elide Pantoli
Line of work:
Reading, Activism
Why I’m pro-animal:
Zoe Griffiths
Support Team
Line of work:
Research Lead
Crafting/DIY projects
Why I’m pro-animal:
Everyone– human and non-human alike– deserves to live a life free from exploitation and harm.
Eva Hamer
Support Team
Line of work:
PAF Staff
Lots of things!
Why I’m pro-animal:
I take action because I care.
Kevin Adams
Line of work:
Denver Elections
Speed Jigsaw Puzzling, Gardening
Why I’m pro-animal:
After watching Dominion, it was obvious my actions and values were not in alignment. Being vegan was step one. Taking action is the next step!
Cade Braynen
Line of work:
Musician/Admin Asst
Writing, drawing, games
Why I’m pro-animal:
Because it makes no sense not to be. And I want to cuddle every creature that comes my way, to be honest.
Cara Thorsen
Line of work:
Why I’m pro-animal:
My life’s purpose